Monday, September 5, 2011

New Page: Weight Loss Community

In this post, I explained that I am currently trying to lose 20 lbs within 62 days. Recently, I've gotten so many comments and emails about people who want to join in along with me, that I've decided to do just that; make a way for people to join in!

So I'm making a new page for all of us! I'll update it daily as I update my own progress. Just email me or comment with your name (or code name), height/weight, goals, and progress, and I'll add you to the display!

Oh and if I don't hear from you after a while? I'll email you to check in, and see how everything is going. Hopefully it'll help to keep everyone on track. Actually, let me know if you want to have your email displayed I'll even leave a spot available for it. Think of it as your own little healthy community. We'll be each other's fan base and support system!

I'll make the page as soon as I get a few more emails to get everything set up. Let's see how this goes!

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom  


  1. Count me in!

    Jen, 25 yrs old, 5'5" tall. I started my journey at 273 lbs on January 15th and am currently at 185 lbs. I've lost 88 lbs and have 35 left until a goal of 150 lbs so I can be in a healthy bmi!

    email: chicka1601 at yahoo dot com

  2. Great idea. I'll join you. I had started a little bit ago but it is always a good idea to do this with others.

    Idaho At Heart
    188 lbs
    Goal weight 170
    I'd like to lose 2 pounds a week.
    I want to run 2-3 times and bike 2-3 times a week.

    I'll be posting info and progress on my own blog throughout the week. Feel free to come see how I'm doing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. if I join in I'll have to be all accountable and stuff and not just sit on the couch dreaming of the day I will be in the shape and size I want, again?! Oh...damn...ok!! I'll send my weight when I get off the couch and find the scale that is hidden in some far back corner of the storage room!!

  5. Lovely idea! Thanks for inviting me. :D

    Height: 5'5"
    Current weight: 175
    Goal weight: 150

    I'm trying to lose a pound a week!

  6. Good idea! Thanks for sharing with NOBH!

  7. I'll be waiting to see the results. I know I could use some help. Thanks for joining the Train ride!

  8. Well I tried to post yesterday and it didn't work on my end. Today I weighed in at 187.2 which is now my lowest this go round.

    Idaho At Heart

  9. You know I'm in!

    5 ft 6 in
    247 lbs (down 3 lbs woo!)
    goal: 150 lbs
    My small goal is to get below 200 lbs

  10. hiya and thanks SO much for the sweet comment on my blog. i would LOVE to join and to have you post my hop button as well -- speaking of which -- i think i got the issue fixed so if ya wanna stop back by to link up i would love that!

    keep me posted on when ya get things going and i will gladly link to you in my blog as well!

    take care!
    misadventures of a chunky goddess

  11. A raw food diet is the only way to go to maintain or reduce weight and remain healthy. As for Yogurt, take Yo plait, some real milk but mostly powdered, filled with chemicals and sugar.
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